2010/11 KY Boys Basketball Stat Leaders
(includes Season-to-Date reports filed since 8:00AM, Feb 21, 2011 EST)

               TOP 15 SCORING LEADERS               
          (playing a minimum of 21 games)           
         (ranked by total points per game)          
      Player             School         Gms  Pts  Avg  
Hobo McCoy        Pike County Central    26  820  31.5 
Ryan Taylor       Western                28  745  26.6 
Timmy Knipp       Elliott County         23  610  26.5 
Tyler Wagner      Lynn Camp              26  644  24.8 
Tyler Robertson   Russell County         28  690  24.6 
Matt Day          Buckhorn               26  613  23.6 
Chane Behanan     Bowling Green          31  713  23.0 
Jermaine Jackson  Iroquois               26  599  23.0 
Mike Smith        Sayre                  25  571  22.8 
Cody Stumbo       South Warren           28  623  22.3 
Sawyer Denniston  Wolfe County           28  597  21.3 
Treg Setty        Mason County           32  669  20.9 
Leonard Smith     Fulton County          28  586  20.9 
Aaron Ponder      Madison Southern       29  589  20.3 
Josh Stroud       Fairdale               26  527  20.3 

        TOP 15 FIELD GOALS (2PT AND 3PT) LEADERS         
             (playing a minimum of 21 games)             
  (more than 3 attempts/game and ranked by percentage)   
      Player             School         Gms  Made  Att  Pct  
Devon Rowan       North Oldham           31   163  244  66.8 
Sawyer Williams   Owen County            24   137  207  66.2 
Devan Doty        Estill County          32   107  162  66.0 
Jeff Richard      John Hardin            23   112  172  65.1 
Trevan Brown      Boone County           31   250  385  64.9 
Wade Weatherholt  Breckinridge County    26   149  230  64.8 
Corey Hunter      Rowan County           36   122  189  64.6 
Jake Bales        Pulaski County         29   115  178  64.6 
T. J. Kelly       Knox Central           30    83  132  62.9 
T. J. Schuler     Holy Cross (Lou)       30   107  171  62.6 
Carlos Litsey     Marion County          29   120  192  62.5 
Aaron Cooper      Graves County          30   199  319  62.4 
Tevin Webster     Taylor County          30   236  379  62.3 
Chris Freeman     Muhlenberg County      26   199  321  62.0 
Lemichael Harris  Western                28   135  220  61.4 
Patrick Neel      Henderson County       26   140  228  61.4 

               TOP 15 FREE THROWS LEADERS                
             (playing a minimum of 21 games)             
  (more than 3 attempts/game and ranked by percentage)   
      Player             School         Gms  Made  Att  Pct  
Austin Shearer    Wayne County           36   180  204  88.2 
Hayden Sweat      Bullitt East           36   143  167  85.6 
Aaron Rayburn     West Carter            30   129  152  84.9 
Travis Mills      Carlisle County        30   169  199  84.9 
Kyle Brown        West Carter            30    93  110  84.5 
Drew Mumford      Christian Academy      26   111  133  83.5 
Jesse Anderson    Graves County          30   133  161  82.6 
Tyler Robertson   Russell County         28   140  170  82.4 
Ethan Rowe        Pikeville              26    98  121  81.0 
Hobo McCoy        Pike County Central    26   218  271  80.4 
Stephen Atkinson  Marshall County        35   204  254  80.3 
Jalen Clark       Western Hills          27   110  138  79.7 
Daquan Boyd       Moore                  25    77   97  79.4 
Brad Jeffries     Casey County           28    80  101  79.2 
Will Branham      Pikeville              22    67   85  78.8 

           TOP 15 3-POINT FIELD GOALS LEADERS            
             (playing a minimum of 21 games)             
           (ranked by 3-point goals per game)            
     Player              School         Gms  Made  Att  P-gm 
Hobo McCoy       Pike County Central     26    96  236   3.7 
Scott Schuette   Lex. Catholic           33   105  282   3.2 
Eric Blair       South Oldham            22    71  152   3.2 
Omar Prewitt     Montgomery County       30    93  245   3.1 
Logan Baumann    Ohio County             28    87  240   3.1 
Brandon Brooks   DeSales                 26    80  240   3.1 
Eric Meyer       Franklin County         27    81  254   3.0 
Dylan Delaney    Ashland Blazer          31    87  228   2.8 
Dylan Meade      Pike County Central     26    74  217   2.8 
Kyle Sheeran     LaRue County            24    66  194   2.8 
Jason Geer       Kentucky Country Day    24    64  179   2.7 
Devante Parker   Ballard                 33    87  252   2.6 
Tyler Lafferty   Sheldon Clark           29    76  206   2.6 
Aaron Ponder     Madison Southern        29    75  188   2.6 
Taylor Gover     Pulaski County          29    74  177   2.6 
Brad Jeffries    Casey County            28    73  194   2.6 
Taylor Barnette  Lex. Christian          27    70  194   2.6 

              TOP 15 REBOUNDS LEADERS               
          (playing a minimum of 21 games)           
       (ranked by net yards passing average)        
      Player              School        Gms  Reb  Avg  
Chane Behanan      Bowling Green         31  445  14.4 
Ryan Taylor        Western               28  397  14.2 
Tyler Wagner       Lynn Camp             26  341  13.1 
Jake Giesler       Newport Cent. Cath    33  422  12.8 
Matt Day           Buckhorn              26  324  12.5 
Sam Dye            Bath County           26  318  12.2 
Justin Johnson     Sheldon Clark         28  339  12.1 
Jay Johnson        Woodford County       27  328  12.1 
Aaron Cooper       Graves County         30  356  11.9 
Jay Middleton      Ballard Memorial      26  310  11.9 
Marcus Burnett     Carlisle County       30  350  11.7 
Corey Gregg        Ashland Blazer        31  349  11.3 
Dontarius Pittman  Lee County            29  327  11.3 
Jermaine Jackson   Iroquois              26  287  11.0 
Chris Freeman      Muhlenberg County     26  287  11.0 
Jacob Ison         Elliott County        22  242  11.0 

 (playing a minimum of 21 games)  
    (ranked by points average)    
      School        Gms  Pts   Avg  
Ballard              33  2749  83.3 
Ashland Blazer       31  2408  77.7 
Mercer County        31  2257  72.8 
Western              28  2016  72.0 
Bowling Green        33  2357  71.4 
John Hardin          26  1854  71.3 
Pulaski County       29  2060  71.0 
Bullitt East         36  2551  70.9 
Iroquois             27  1912  70.8 
Paducah Tilghman     32  2240  70.0 
West Carter          30  2084  69.5 
Lex. Catholic        33  2289  69.4 
East Jessamine       30  2051  68.4 
Scott                29  1982  68.3 
Muhlenberg County    26  1770  68.1 

  (playing a minimum of 21 games)  
(ranked by points allowed per game)
       School        Gms  Pts   Avg  
Perry Central         31  1312  42.3 
Newport Cent. Cath    33  1495  45.3 
Marshall County       35  1652  47.2 
Rowan County          36  1753  48.7 
Bell County           29  1411  48.7 
Betsy Layne           32  1562  48.8 
Edmonson County       26  1272  48.9 
KY School f/t Deaf    27  1333  49.4 
Clinton County        29  1435  49.5 
Ballard Memorial      26  1288  49.5 
Estill County         32  1589  49.7 
Graves County         30  1497  49.9 
Webster County        22  1104  50.2 
Lyon County           30  1508  50.3 
Owen County           24  1206  50.3 

(playing a minimum of 21 games)
      (ranked by margin)      
       School        Gms  Avg  
Ballard               33  17.3 
Ashland Blazer        31  15.9 
Newport Cent. Cath    33  15.0 
Jeffersontown         32  15.0 
Marshall County       35  14.9 
Fulton County         29  14.7 
Paducah Tilghman      32  14.0 
Bullitt East          36  13.0 
Lex. Catholic         33  12.9 
Wayne County          36  12.8 
Moore                 30  12.8 
Perry Central         31  12.7 
Rowan County          36  12.2 
Pulaski County        29  12.1 
Johnson Central       25  12.0 

       TOP 15 FIELD GOAL LEADERS        
    (playing a minimum of 21 games)     
         (ranked by percentage)         
       School        Gms  Made  Att   Pct  
Henderson County      26   634  1224  51.8 
Newport Cent. Cath    33   740  1458  50.8 
Bowling Green         33   865  1707  50.7 
Perry Central         31   627  1267  49.5 
Western               28   750  1517  49.4 
Jeffersontown         32   825  1677  49.2 
Boone County          32   756  1539  49.1 
Bell County           29   610  1246  49.0 
Ashland Blazer        31   924  1901  48.6 
Muhlenberg County     26   659  1356  48.6 
North Oldham          32   593  1232  48.1 
Lex. Catholic         33   859  1789  48.0 
Paducah Tilghman      32   878  1828  48.0 
Elliott County        24   575  1199  48.0 
Bullitt East          36   900  1877  47.9 
East Ridge            25   594  1240  47.9 

       TOP 15 FREE THROW LEADERS        
    (playing a minimum of 21 games)     
         (ranked by percentage)         
       School         Gms  Made  Att  Pct  
Bullitt East           36   535  719  74.4 
Wayne County           36   574  774  74.2 
West Carter            30   419  571  73.4 
South Warren           28   418  581  71.9 
Madison Southern       29   296  412  71.8 
Carlisle County        30   460  650  70.8 
Sayre                  25   353  501  70.5 
Christian Academy      26   270  387  69.8 
Pike County Central    26   385  553  69.6 
South Oldham           26   274  395  69.4 
Lou. Trinity           29   288  417  69.1 
West Jessamine         29   369  535  69.0 
Pulaski County         29   487  709  68.7 
Ballard Memorial       26   362  528  68.6 
Lynn Camp              26   365  534  68.4 

    (playing a minimum of 21 games)     
         (ranked by percentage)         
       School         Gms  Made  Att  Pct  
South Oldham           26   201  502  40.0 
Henderson County       26    93  250  37.2 
Pike County Central    26   198  538  36.8 
Pulaski County         29   178  489  36.4 
Webster County         22   109  300  36.3 
Bell County            29   109  302  36.1 
St. Xavier             27   172  476  36.1 
East Ridge             25   102  283  36.0 
Bullitt East           36   216  605  35.7 
Boone County           32   146  416  35.1 
John Hardin            26   137  390  35.1 
Fern Creek             30   185  529  35.0 
Scott                  29   106  303  35.0 
Sheldon Clark          29   173  495  34.9 
Newport Cent. Cath     33   146  419  34.8 
Bowling Green          33   159  457  34.8 

 (playing a minimum of 21 games) 
       (ranked by average)       
      School       Gms  Reb   Avg  
Bath County         26   991  38.1 
Johnson Central     25   948  37.9 
Paducah Tilghman    32  1197  37.4 
Fulton County       29  1080  37.2 
Ballard             33  1209  36.6 
Lloyd Memorial      29  1056  36.4 
Woodford County     27   981  36.3 
Burgin              24   863  36.0 
West Carter         30  1069  35.6 
Ashland Blazer      31  1063  34.3 
Mason County        32  1093  34.2 
Belfry              25   856  34.2 
Russell County      29   989  34.1 
Fleming County      31  1038  33.5 
Metcalfe County     27   905  33.5 

(only teams listed below submitted Season-to-Date stat reports
since 8:00AM, Feb 21,2011 and are compiled in this report) School Name Report Date Ashland Blazer 2011-03-08 17:12:04 Augusta 2011-03-24 11:07:43 Ballard 2011-03-24 08:41:36 Ballard Memorial 2011-02-21 10:41:35 Bath County 2011-02-23 09:27:38 Belfry 2011-03-07 13:12:27 Bell County 2011-03-10 10:39:38 Bethlehem 2011-03-11 10:50:31 Betsy Layne 2011-03-14 10:54:17 Boone County 2011-03-22 17:38:34 Bowling Green 2011-03-09 12:31:40 Breckinridge County 2011-03-23 13:17:38 Buckhorn 2011-02-25 10:47:08 Bullitt East 2011-03-23 07:56:12 Burgin 2011-03-24 14:05:42 Butler County 2011-02-23 19:31:52 Calloway County 2011-03-03 09:58:02 Carlisle County 2011-03-04 14:54:59 Carroll County 2011-03-14 22:05:15 Casey County 2011-02-24 16:41:44 Caverna 2011-02-22 09:45:15 Christian Academy 2011-03-09 23:12:04 Christian Fellowship 2011-02-21 17:05:25 Clinton County 2011-02-23 14:37:13 Cooper 2011-02-22 11:22:58 Cumberland County 2011-02-23 13:19:55 DeSales 2011-03-23 15:33:41 DuPont Manual 2011-03-23 13:50:10 East Jessamine 2011-03-24 14:38:51 East Ridge 2011-03-22 14:49:52 Edmonson County 2011-03-24 14:20:37 Elliott County 2011-02-25 07:36:52 Estill County 2011-03-23 09:09:20 Fairdale 2011-02-22 08:10:21 Fern Creek 2011-03-07 21:23:26 Fleming County 2011-03-03 09:31:19 Frankfort 2011-02-21 11:39:03 Franklin County 2011-03-04 16:27:27 Fulton County 2011-03-11 10:25:02 Grant County 2011-02-23 18:46:11 Graves County 2011-03-04 12:13:37 Hazard 2011-03-04 10:12:30 Henderson County 2011-03-23 13:27:23 Heritage Academy 2011-02-26 16:32:21 Highlands 2011-03-23 14:29:05 Holy Cross (Lou) 2011-03-10 15:56:30 Iroquois 2011-02-23 09:19:35 Jeffersontown 2011-03-09 08:54:57 John Hardin 2011-03-22 14:25:43 Johnson Central 2011-02-24 15:15:38 Kentucky Country Day 2011-02-24 23:19:53 KY School f/t Deaf 2011-03-01 20:39:36 Knox Central 2011-03-10 13:31:31 LaRue County 2011-03-03 14:11:47 Lee County 2011-03-23 09:33:33 Lex. Catholic 2011-03-09 20:10:47 Lex. Christian 2011-03-09 14:18:14 Lloyd Memorial 2011-02-24 11:29:47 Logan County 2011-02-25 14:51:56 Lynn Camp 2011-03-11 13:36:28 Lyon County 2011-03-07 10:59:07 Madison Southern 2011-03-08 09:12:26 Mad. North Hopkins 2011-03-23 07:27:39 Marion County 2011-03-08 08:43:41 Marshall County 2011-03-23 10:12:33 Mason County 2011-03-08 19:41:36 Mayfield 2011-02-23 15:20:11 Meade County 2011-03-23 21:41:46 Mercer County 2011-03-21 11:58:41 Metcalfe County 2011-03-15 07:40:41 Monroe County 2011-03-10 16:00:45 Montgomery County 2011-03-22 14:18:28 Moore 2011-03-23 10:00:01 Muhlenberg County 2011-02-23 13:24:58 Newport 2011-03-09 22:27:53 Newport Cent. Cath 2011-03-14 14:45:55 North Oldham 2011-03-22 17:11:02 Ohio County 2011-03-02 13:48:19 Owen County 2011-03-23 08:43:20 Paducah Tilghman 2011-03-22 14:04:08 Perry Central 2011-03-23 08:55:54 Pike County Central 2011-03-07 22:39:18 Pikeville 2011-02-23 14:29:25 Pulaski County 2011-02-22 13:18:51 Reidland 2011-02-25 10:05:55 Rockcastle County 2011-03-05 13:24:34 Rowan County 2011-03-24 14:10:50 Russell County 2011-03-23 10:50:09 Sayre 2011-02-24 19:57:13 Scott 2011-03-23 13:24:05 Shelby County 2011-03-22 15:01:42 Sheldon Clark 2011-03-04 08:44:49 Somerset 2011-03-01 08:33:30 South Oldham 2011-03-02 14:48:16 South Warren 2011-02-24 15:35:28 Southern 2011-03-14 14:03:25 St. Henry 2011-03-03 13:45:54 St. Xavier 2011-03-24 15:22:21 Taylor County 2011-03-09 23:44:31 Lou. Trinity 2011-03-09 09:14:49 Whitesville Trinity 2011-02-23 11:39:21 Union County 2011-02-22 14:30:16 Villa Madonna 2011-02-24 11:05:07 Waggener 2011-03-04 08:17:23 Wayne County 2011-03-21 08:31:31 Webster County 2011-02-26 09:41:10 West Carter 2011-03-04 11:44:15 West Jessamine 2011-03-22 14:04:03 Western 2011-03-04 09:43:59 Western Hills 2011-02-21 15:49:12 Wolfe County 2011-03-13 23:36:00 Woodford County 2011-02-25 13:26:04
Copyright © 2011 by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association, all rights reserved.